Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Christmas in Colorado

We had a fabulous time on our trip to Colorado for Christmas. Although the quarters were a bit tight, we all got along with relatively few kid battles and tattles. Although my camera bit the dust when Coryn threw it on the tile. That was about the only negative thing. We played games, went sledding, went to the movies, went to the Dillon Rec center to swim, shopped at the outlets and ate WAY too much food. It was perfect and Santa was even able to find us there to bring the kids their gifts. Here are three reasons why the new condo beats out the old one:

The view is just AMAZING. I mean it literally takes my breath away, well that and the cold.

And here is the silly picture of the fam:

I have some sledding pictures I'll share later after I steal them off my sisters camera. I am in the market for a new camera so if you have any suggestions feel free to let me in on the things you love and hate about yours. I am not sure how much I am willing to spend just yet. The broken camera was a Sony Cyber-Shot 8.1mp point and click. I am open to new things though.

Christmas Hits in our House

I was thinking about all of the things that my kids got this year(way too much once again) and decided that it might be nice to share what the big hits were for Christmas 2008. So without further ado:

The Melissa and Doug Pizza Party. Coryn LOVES this toy. She loves sorting the mushrooms, peppers and pepperonis and making us each our own special piece. She especially loves cutting the pizza.

Parents Pet Vet from Target. Another Coryn favorite. She loves opening and closing the little doors and putting the animals in their little compartments. I love that all of the pieces can be stored inside it.

The Whoonu game by Cranium. Big hit with the bigger girls. We have had a lot of fun playing this easy to learn game.

Much to my dismay this movie is hanging over my head even longer than it ever should have. It seems like Troy and Gabriella have been a part of our lives FOREVER! But alas the soundtrack to HSM3 is yet another hit.

Mario Party DS! Really any of the Marios have been a hit. This just happens to be our latest.

So what were the hits at your house?

Monday, December 29, 2008

End of 2008

The end of this year actually seems fairly anti-climatic. I am not complaining, because I know this year has been anything but anti-climatic for several people I know and not necessarily in good ways. So I'll take my boring old 2008 and my wonderful life and just savor it all. All&Sundry a blog that I was turned on to by my friend Kelly, has challenged us to answer the end of the year questionnaire as she has been doing for several years herself. So here goes. I challenge you to do the same :)

1. What did you do in 2008 that you’d never done before? Paint an entire interior of a house
2. Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year? I don't make resolutions
3. Did anyone close to you give birth? Kelly and Heather
4. Did anyone close to you die? Uncle Ken on Valentines Day
5. What countries did you visit? Just stayed in the US
6. What would you like to have in 2009 that you lacked in 2008? One house payment
7. What dates from 2008 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? Valentine's Day because we lost a great great man
8. What was your biggest achievement of the year? Getting this house in shape to move in
9. What was your biggest failure? Wow that's a tough one, probably just not being as patient with my kids as I needed to be
10. Did you suffer illness or injury? I hurt my ankle painting the bath. Don't stand on a bathtub to reach higher.
11. What was the best thing you bought? My new washer and dryer oh yeah and the house.
12. Whose behavior merited celebration? Stephanie Vest
13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed? I can't say there is anyone that appalled me or depressed me, I had my shake my head moments, but really I won't let someone get to me that much.
14. Where did most of your money go? The house
15. What did you get really, really, really excited about? Moving here
16. What song will always remind you of 2008? American Boy
17. Compared to this time last year, are you:
a) happier or sadder? Happier
b) thinner or fatter? Fatter- do you think those two are related?
c) richer or poorer? Poorer
18. What do you wish you’d done more of? Exercise
19. What do you wish you’d done less of? Eating
20. How did you spend Christmas? In Colorado with the Smith clan
21. Did you fall in love in 2008? Just stayed in love
22. What was your favorite TV program? Top Chef
23. Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year? Don't be a hater.
24. What was the best book you read? Twilight series
25. What was your greatest musical discovery? I fell in love with Kid Rock after seeing an interview with him and realizing how intelligent he actually is. It still has me puzzled so don't ask.
26. What did you want and get? A new washer and dryer
27. What did you want and not get? A boob job
28. What was your favorite film of this year? Twilight
29. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you? I turned 35. We had just moved in here so we didn't really do anything special.
30. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying? Having J.R. around a little more
31. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2008? Comfy
32. What kept you sane? Zoloft
33. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? Sarah Palin
34. What political issue stirred you the most? The presidential election
35. Who did you miss? Nicole
36. Who was the best new person you met? Felicia Nigro
37. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2008. Talk Less
38. Quote a song lyric or something from a book that sums up your year. I am going to quote something from the book, The Shack that was very powerful for me "paradigms power perception and perceptions power emotions. Most emotions are responses to perception- What you think is true about a given situation. If your perception is false, then your emotional response to it will be false too. So check your perceptions, and beyond that check the truthfulness of your paradigms-what you believe. Just because you believe something firmly doesn't make it true. Be willing to reexamine what you believe. The more you live in the truth, the more your emotions will help you see clearly. But even then, you don't want to trust them more than me(God)."

Here is to another uneventful 2009 of happiness and truly living life and looking for ways to improve myself. And you?

Thursday, December 18, 2008

That's just gross

Appetite for seduction: BK’s new fragrance - Fashion & Beauty - TODAYshow.com

I am hoping that this is meant as a joke gift. I have never walked into a BK and thought, I wish I could have that smell to take home with me. I think I would puke if I had to be around someone with that "cologne" on. Now I can see the gem in the product if it is placed in the same category as ugly fake teeth, fake poop, and other novelty type items. But Really?!?!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Lots more to share

I have a lot of pics that I just need to share.

Coryn and her friend Gabby

Coryn has a bff! She is adorable and they love each other so much.

My sweet little hookers

That's what J.R. said when he saw Ella and Tara's costumes. He can always find just the right words. He really should have been a writer instead of a banker. And yeah I know it's almost Christmas but the pictures just got uploaded.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

We should all enjoy pudding so much!

If you don't have it all over your face, you aren't truly enjoying it.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Hands Free

In honor of my favorite Californian and also for her 1st hands free ticket, this video is dedicated to Kelly:

Of course you have probably already watched it on Dooce, but why not share it with everyone else, because it is hilarious.

Happy Turkey Day to all my friends :)

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

An Award? For what?

Heather must really love me, because I can't imagine why she would actually give me a blogging award. I mean don't you have to blog in order to receive an award? Anyhow, I am pleased to accept. And it is spurring me into action to actually get my lazy self on here writing. So without any further ado:

So part of the award is listing six things that make me happy and then passing the award on to six of my other favorite bloggers. That part is easy.

1. Sheridan's Vanilla Milkshakes. We might go in debt over this one. They are heaven! I will be more worried when the workers start asking me if I want my usual.

2. Clean Sheets. I love clean sheets. I sleep so much better the night that the sheets are changed. Pre-kids I would change them 2-3 times a week. Now we are at once a week. But oh how I love clean sheet night.

3. Reading. I love to read and will read anything I can get my hands on. Right now I am reading The Shack.

4. Vacations. I could sell everything we own and just be on a perpetual vacation. Yes, I love traveling that much.

5. Music. I get a lot out of a well written song or instrumental piece.

6. Family. Of course it is only when the planets and moon align correctly and everyone is getting along.

Now to share and pass along a few of my favorite blogs:


Of course I need to mention that this award is from one of the best blogs out there:

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Dealing with a sick two year old

The story of my last four days:

Tantrum - Spin Doctors

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

There have been requests

For me to update since a few of you are sick of seeing that icky comb sitting at the top of the page. Since I love you (Sharri) I will oblige. But there are reasons why there have been no updates. The first being that the lice thing had me beyond freaked out. I turned into a mad, nit-picking, cleaning, spraying, laundering, vacuuming fool. I even went so far to become "THAT" mom and went up to the school to have a chat with the nurse and also Tara's teacher. Thank God for Tara's teacher. I think she was more freaked out than I was. I could tell as she immediately began scratching her head as I talked to her about our little problem.

So in the midst of my insaneness, I noticed that our 5+year old computer was running a tad bit slow. I am not great at backing things up. I hadn't backed my pics up since we moved in May. I requested a few days before the lice outbreak that J.R. pick me up a flash drive to save them to. So that Friday I was sad as I realized that our computer died and there sitting next to the computer all neatly in its package sat our new UNUSED flash drive. OOPS! I can't really blame that on anyone but myself. So we went out and got a new computer on Saturday. I am not even quite sure how the other computer worked it was so archaic compared to the newness of the one I now have. I have yet to get used to the 2000 inch screen. Well actually it's 24 inches but WHOA! And talk about picture distortion. I am glad it makes everyone look fat. Makes me feel better about myself.

So I have been lax about writing here. I have some great pictures to upload and hope to get them up in the next day or so.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Gag Me with a comb!

Not really although I was haunted by this comb this morning:

Not this exact one, but a very similar one. And trust me I don't want the thing anywhere near my mouth. Know what it is? Sorry there are no prizes for the correct answer besides self satisfaction and perhaps some sympathy for me, because I THINK the only way you'd know is if you too had also been blessed with lice in your home. I can't believe I just typed that...LICE IN MY HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Overuse of the exclamation mark is warranted. I consider myself a complete and total neat freak, cleanliness is next to Godliness kind of chick. How did this happen to *gasp* one of MY children? So although I washed all of our bedding yesterday, it is being done again this morning as the offensive little creatures were not discovered until this morning. I hope that this is the last you hear of this.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Cheeky Quotes

Sometimes I really like the cheeky quotes to the right of the screen on here. When I just checked in, this one appeared:

Here's a bumper sticker I'd like to see: "We are the proud parents of a child who's self-esteem is sufficient that he doesn't need us promoting his minor scholastic achievements on the back of our car."

George Carlin

I miss George Carlin :(

Entertainment Catastrophe Averted

I like to think that it was my big bad ass self that took care of it, but I think in all actuality it was a clerical error. I went to the school this morning and after saying who I was to the Entertainment Book Lady, she immediately apologized and said that Ella had been given my other two books. So I didn't even get to go postal in the school office. Bummer, because I was up for it today ;)

In other news, Coryn is at the peak of two-ness. She just got put back in bed and is happily singing in there at the moment. She threw a HUGE temper tantrum in the kitchen because I put her juice in the wrong colored cup! She literally was throwing herself all over the floor and even tried to climb the counter to put the green cup away by herself. Heaven help me. She obviously needed some alone time because she hasn't asked to come out yet.

I decided this morning that she doesn't get enough socialization, so I am going to be proactive about it and start a playgroup. I need to talk to someone at our church and see if I can host it there. I don't really want to do it in our home, but will if I have to. Coryn just needs to be around kids her age more often. I did this for her sisters so I owe it to her. I also think I am happier if I am planning something. So it will be good for both of us.

Well Little Miss is kicking the wall which is her way of asking to be let out.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A little Peeved with Entertainment Books

I was just trying to do my motherly duty and support the school fundraisers and I get screwed. My rule though, is that no child of mine is allowed to sell the crap that they try to get my kids to pawn off on friends and family. They have them sit in an assembly and show them this scooter(that nobody will win) and of course they invariably come home ready to pimp out all the crappy products. It is then that I step in as the mean mother and inform them(once again) that we won't be selling.

So a couple of weeks ago they come home with Entertainment Books. This is the one thing that I will purchase as we actually use them and get the savings out of them. The books are $20 and there are $25 in our grocery store coupons alone in them not to mention all the coupons for other places we frequent. Apparently you get a stuffed monkey if you sell three of them(each child in school gets one) so I decide I will just buy all three, since I will get my money back from them and then both of the girls can have the cheapo monkey. And the most important part, I have not let them sell them to anyone else.

I had $60 in cash so I sent that in. BAD CHOICE on my part, but whatever. I sent the freaking money in! So I get a letter that I need to return the one book that I kept from Ella's packet or I need to send $60 in to receive all three of my books. WHAT?!?!?!? I am livid. I talked to Ella about. I thought well maybe she didn't turn it in or something, but no Her teacher actually sent her to the office with all of the envelopes on Friday to turn them in so I KNOW it made it to the office. I hate these freaking fundraisers and now my money has disappeared. I have a call in to the PTA mom that is in charge. But I am going to be over the top mad if that money was lost. And there is no way I am sending the one book that I have in my hands back. Forget that!

Cobbler Recipe

I am looking for a cobbler recipe for this weekend. If you have one that you get raves about, please post it here. Thank you :)

Friday, October 10, 2008


Last night they released the new trailer for the movie. I am excited to see this one!

Twilight Trailer

Thursday, October 9, 2008


So I went out with the girls from the bank last night. We had a good time. I love hearing little things about J.R. that he doesn't share with me that his co-workers are more than willing to tell me all about. J.R. isn't a talker so there are lots of happenings in his hours away from home that I never hear about. I would have been perfectly content to sit at Jose Peppers chatting with the girls all night long, but we had planned on seeing a movie. So off to the theater we went where we saw Nights in Rodanthe. I know it is supposed to be a drama and sappy romance, but it was downright comical. First of all, yes I know that Diane Lane is a gorgeous woman, but Richard Gere just looks old, so honestly I don't want to watch or think about them having sex. Eebie Jeebies!!! The acting was SO over the top, that I truly was laughing out loud at scenes that are supposed to be serious. BTW Richard Gere looks like a mouse. Don't believe me? check him out....

He looks like a mouse I say!! Can't you picture the whiskers and pointy little ears? Let me help you:

The only person that I enjoyed in the movie who actually captured my attention was the daughter. Don't waste your money in case you were tempted to.

Now on a positive note. I have been searching like a mad woman for long sleeve onesies for Coryn for the winter. I couldn't believe how hard they were to find. Most places like Carters who we love, stop making them at 24 months. I finally found this site www.essentialwhites.com. I had never heard of them or obviously ordered from them, but yesterday I received the 8 bodysuits that I ordered for Coryn. They are the softest, most well made onesies ever! 100% ultra soft cotton! I wish I had known about them before now. I balked a little at the $8.00 a piece price tag, but I only had to pay for 6 and got two free. They also had free shipping with orders of $48. They are well worth their cost IMO. So in case you are in the market for onesies, this is the place to go.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Coryn's eye

The eye rolling has come back. It is happening three to four times a day and yesterday I caught it mid-roll in a picture so you can kind of get an idea of what we see when it happens.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Bullies Suck!

I got a call from the school counselor yesterday. Tara had been in her office in tears. Apparently some mean 2nd grade girls were picking on my girl on the bus. Tara was beside herself. Wow this stuff starts early. Why do little girls have to be so mean? I talked for a bit with the counselor. She was going to pull the girls into her office later in the day and talk to them about their choices and such. It's so hard to hear that your child is getting picked on. I just want to rescue them. I don't want the world to hurt them. We talked a lot with her last night and she seemed better this morning when she left. I hope that the problem is taken care of. I am anxious however for her to come home tonight and get an update.

In 7th grade, I was bullied by a girl. She would physically block me from getting to class on time so that I ended up getting tardies and 8th hours. She threatened me repeatedly. I lived in fear of even walking outside each day to my bus because she would appear and yank my hair or fling my bag on the ground. This problem brought back all of those fears and anxiety I felt when dealing with that girl. She and I ended up talking it out when we were in high school. She actually apologized. And now I look back at what a small part of my life that was and how I should have maybe stood up for myself a bit more and also how that time in my life has actually made me more sympathetic to people that are weaker than I am.

I am not ready for my kids to have to learn these lessons, but apparently life has other plans. However I would like to go give the little heathens a piece of my mind. I think I'll let the counselor handle it though and we'll just keep giving her lots of love and encouragement at home.

How could you be mean to this girl?

Monday, October 6, 2008

I love my two year old

But she's obviously been hitting the Benadryl a bit too hard. She just came over to the computer where I was reading about Angelina Jolie's brand new latitude longitude tats, She pointed up to the screen and said "Mommy and Daddy". Yes that does look an awful lot like us. I can definitely see why my child would be confused ;) BTW how does that woman look like that already? It's unreal!

And can someone please tell her that less is more where makeup is concerned!

Weekend Project

We are so excited to have finally started on our retaining walls. We have this huge slope in our front yard, not to mention the lack of any landscape design. We basically had the builder grade three bushes and one decorative tree with some mulch thrown in for good measure. Our friend, Eric, has been heading up the big project. I think he might be more excited about it than us. So here are some before and after pictures. Of course we are hoping to have an addition of some bushes here very soon. Then I will take the "true" after pictures.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Just for you J.R.

If you happen to be reading this, Love, then you better tell me how nice my ass is looking ;)

30 Day Shred

My friend Kelly directed me to a blog recently that I have really enjoyed. It is called All & Sundry http://www.sundrymourning.com/ She is quite witty and I can relate. Last week one of her posts talked about her exercise/fitness successes. One of the things that she has been doing is Jillian Michaels- 30 Day Shred. I read the responses to her post and was inspired, but even moreso when Kelly told me that she was doing it. I looked it up on Amazon and was impressed with the ratings (I always look at the ratings), but didn't want to wait for it to be shipped. You have to strike while the iron is hot IMO. So I found it at Best Buy yesterday and have completed 2 days of my Shred. I haven't been this sore in a really LONG time, but it's that good kind of sore, where I know my bootie must be shrinking because let me tell you I am very aware of it right now. I was so fired up last night that J.R. and I even took a long walk after our dinner. The reason I am sharing this is because I believe in accountability so the more people I share this with, the better. Hold me accountable. I am ready to make a change and feel good about myself again. I am not alone in my endeavor. My friends Heather, Sharri, Kelly(our leader), Kirsta and I are all doing this together. A girl has to have some friends to complain too about our achy muscles.

Oh one more thing, I haven't told J.R. that I am doing this. I am doing it on the sly. I figure I'll let him in on my little secret soon enough.

And my plug for Jillian

All you need for this workout is a DVD player, a workout mat or carpet, and some 3-5 pound hand weights. Start with the 3 pounders. Trust me!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

"I Two" and "I do"

Coryn's favorite statement these days is I two. We have been working on it so she can answer that question "how old are you?". I two! Of course I also use the "am", she just kind of leaves that part out. So today is the REAL birthday. 2 years ago we met our sweet Coryn. She came quickly into the world greeted with love by so many people. She was 6 lb and 18.5 inches long. So tiny and so absolutely perfect. We really have been blessed with our three girls. Here are some pictures from her party that we had on Sunday.

And also from previous birthdays:

We also hosted an engagement party on Saturday night for our friends Lori and David. We are so happy that they found each other and are excited for their upcoming wedding on October 10. We enjoyed getting to know a lot of their other friends better. Here are a few pictures from our evening.
Lori is in the middle

Me and Angela

David with Lori's sister, Lisa

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Waaaaaaa & Ugh

Warning: Do not continue to read if you do not appreciate whining.

Next Tuesday my sweet, darling, precious child will turn 2! And lo and behold the terrible twos are here. Full Force! She's my third. You'd think I could handle this with my eyes closed, hands tied behind my back, but no I am not handling this. I am at a complete and total loss. She far exceeds anything that Ella and Tara EVER threw at me. Maybe I am just too old to remember, but I am coming here because I figure that writing it out and venting is better than the other option; which is to ship her to my friend Kelly in California(although that is still an option).

Here are just a few snippets of my day so far.

* She threw Tara's Nintendo DS from the top of the stairs onto the hardwood in the entryway, breaking it. This is a DS that we JUST got for Tara last month for her birthday. Tara is going to be really mad and we are going to have to replace the overpriced toy immediately.

* As fast as I can clean things, she is dragging them back out. Imagine that you have an office job...now imagine as fast as you are working either on your computer, writing something out etc, there is a little elf who is deleting it, or coloring over it with a Sharpie marker. I am not joking...THAT is what I feel like.

* As I cleaned a toilet just a few moments ago, she was on my back squealing WEEEEEE! cause we all know how much fun it is to clean a toilet, now add the monkey. NICE.

* And finally just this....mommy, mommy, mommy...me: what?...no reply then....mommy, mommy, mommy! ALL DAY LONG!

OK excuse me while I go try to hide the bald patches that are now visible on my scalp!

P.S. She peed on the carpet after getting out of the shower. The day just got so much better.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Reason #1 why I love J.R.

I hit the jackpot in the husband department. Seriously he is awesome and I am not just writing this because he might read it, although I doubt my blog is interesting enough for him ;) Anyway he just called and asked me to set out some cream cheese so that he and the girls can make fruit dip for their Monday Night Football snack! He's so thoughtful and loving and just the perfect father for little girls!
And while this is an old picture of J.R. and Coryn, I never get tired of it.


OK first of all at this very moment McCain and Palin are just minutes from my house and I am not there :( I seriously considered taking Coryn and standing in the rain to hear them, but figured Coryn might not appreciate that. But seriously with her pigtails and blue eyes and sweet smile...she is a politicians dream. I may be just a bit biased though. Ella really wanted to go too. Oh well I will have to watch the recaps on the news like everyone else that wasn't there. I really want this shirt but know that J.R. would make fun of me relentlessly if I actually ordered it:

Moving on...I finally finished Coryn's coming home from the hospital shadow box. Sometimes, something relatively close to a crafty side seeps out of me. I was pleased with how it turned out.

And here is the sweet girl herself:

Growing Butterflies

For Tara's birthday she got a butterfly house. It has been an amazing experience and about the best $20 investment we have made. Actually it's closer to $26 once you send off for your caterpillars. We learned so much about painted lady butterflies during this whole process. We received five caterpillars and ALL of them grew into amazingly beautiful butterflies which we released yesterday morning. We had to coax them out of their nice little butterfly home, but once we did it was pretty exciting to watch them fly away. One of them immediately took a dive into the grease pail we have under our barbeque grill. We saved him from his ill fated dive, but he was looking pretty bad around noon when we checked on him yesterday and was the only one who had not left the deck. I am wondering if he became a birdy snack during the day because he was gone in the evening. Anyway if you have young children this is such a great learning experience. There is also a ton of information, videos and pictures on the internet that you can use with your kids. We are ordering the tadpoles next.
Here they are in their chrysalids:

Here is one of them the day they came out of their chrysalids:

And yesterday during their release with Tara: