Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Gag Me with a comb!

Not really although I was haunted by this comb this morning:

Not this exact one, but a very similar one. And trust me I don't want the thing anywhere near my mouth. Know what it is? Sorry there are no prizes for the correct answer besides self satisfaction and perhaps some sympathy for me, because I THINK the only way you'd know is if you too had also been blessed with lice in your home. I can't believe I just typed that...LICE IN MY HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Overuse of the exclamation mark is warranted. I consider myself a complete and total neat freak, cleanliness is next to Godliness kind of chick. How did this happen to *gasp* one of MY children? So although I washed all of our bedding yesterday, it is being done again this morning as the offensive little creatures were not discovered until this morning. I hope that this is the last you hear of this.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Cheeky Quotes

Sometimes I really like the cheeky quotes to the right of the screen on here. When I just checked in, this one appeared:

Here's a bumper sticker I'd like to see: "We are the proud parents of a child who's self-esteem is sufficient that he doesn't need us promoting his minor scholastic achievements on the back of our car."

George Carlin

I miss George Carlin :(

Entertainment Catastrophe Averted

I like to think that it was my big bad ass self that took care of it, but I think in all actuality it was a clerical error. I went to the school this morning and after saying who I was to the Entertainment Book Lady, she immediately apologized and said that Ella had been given my other two books. So I didn't even get to go postal in the school office. Bummer, because I was up for it today ;)

In other news, Coryn is at the peak of two-ness. She just got put back in bed and is happily singing in there at the moment. She threw a HUGE temper tantrum in the kitchen because I put her juice in the wrong colored cup! She literally was throwing herself all over the floor and even tried to climb the counter to put the green cup away by herself. Heaven help me. She obviously needed some alone time because she hasn't asked to come out yet.

I decided this morning that she doesn't get enough socialization, so I am going to be proactive about it and start a playgroup. I need to talk to someone at our church and see if I can host it there. I don't really want to do it in our home, but will if I have to. Coryn just needs to be around kids her age more often. I did this for her sisters so I owe it to her. I also think I am happier if I am planning something. So it will be good for both of us.

Well Little Miss is kicking the wall which is her way of asking to be let out.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A little Peeved with Entertainment Books

I was just trying to do my motherly duty and support the school fundraisers and I get screwed. My rule though, is that no child of mine is allowed to sell the crap that they try to get my kids to pawn off on friends and family. They have them sit in an assembly and show them this scooter(that nobody will win) and of course they invariably come home ready to pimp out all the crappy products. It is then that I step in as the mean mother and inform them(once again) that we won't be selling.

So a couple of weeks ago they come home with Entertainment Books. This is the one thing that I will purchase as we actually use them and get the savings out of them. The books are $20 and there are $25 in our grocery store coupons alone in them not to mention all the coupons for other places we frequent. Apparently you get a stuffed monkey if you sell three of them(each child in school gets one) so I decide I will just buy all three, since I will get my money back from them and then both of the girls can have the cheapo monkey. And the most important part, I have not let them sell them to anyone else.

I had $60 in cash so I sent that in. BAD CHOICE on my part, but whatever. I sent the freaking money in! So I get a letter that I need to return the one book that I kept from Ella's packet or I need to send $60 in to receive all three of my books. WHAT?!?!?!? I am livid. I talked to Ella about. I thought well maybe she didn't turn it in or something, but no Her teacher actually sent her to the office with all of the envelopes on Friday to turn them in so I KNOW it made it to the office. I hate these freaking fundraisers and now my money has disappeared. I have a call in to the PTA mom that is in charge. But I am going to be over the top mad if that money was lost. And there is no way I am sending the one book that I have in my hands back. Forget that!

Cobbler Recipe

I am looking for a cobbler recipe for this weekend. If you have one that you get raves about, please post it here. Thank you :)

Friday, October 10, 2008


Last night they released the new trailer for the movie. I am excited to see this one!

Twilight Trailer

Thursday, October 9, 2008


So I went out with the girls from the bank last night. We had a good time. I love hearing little things about J.R. that he doesn't share with me that his co-workers are more than willing to tell me all about. J.R. isn't a talker so there are lots of happenings in his hours away from home that I never hear about. I would have been perfectly content to sit at Jose Peppers chatting with the girls all night long, but we had planned on seeing a movie. So off to the theater we went where we saw Nights in Rodanthe. I know it is supposed to be a drama and sappy romance, but it was downright comical. First of all, yes I know that Diane Lane is a gorgeous woman, but Richard Gere just looks old, so honestly I don't want to watch or think about them having sex. Eebie Jeebies!!! The acting was SO over the top, that I truly was laughing out loud at scenes that are supposed to be serious. BTW Richard Gere looks like a mouse. Don't believe me? check him out....

He looks like a mouse I say!! Can't you picture the whiskers and pointy little ears? Let me help you:

The only person that I enjoyed in the movie who actually captured my attention was the daughter. Don't waste your money in case you were tempted to.

Now on a positive note. I have been searching like a mad woman for long sleeve onesies for Coryn for the winter. I couldn't believe how hard they were to find. Most places like Carters who we love, stop making them at 24 months. I finally found this site I had never heard of them or obviously ordered from them, but yesterday I received the 8 bodysuits that I ordered for Coryn. They are the softest, most well made onesies ever! 100% ultra soft cotton! I wish I had known about them before now. I balked a little at the $8.00 a piece price tag, but I only had to pay for 6 and got two free. They also had free shipping with orders of $48. They are well worth their cost IMO. So in case you are in the market for onesies, this is the place to go.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Coryn's eye

The eye rolling has come back. It is happening three to four times a day and yesterday I caught it mid-roll in a picture so you can kind of get an idea of what we see when it happens.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Bullies Suck!

I got a call from the school counselor yesterday. Tara had been in her office in tears. Apparently some mean 2nd grade girls were picking on my girl on the bus. Tara was beside herself. Wow this stuff starts early. Why do little girls have to be so mean? I talked for a bit with the counselor. She was going to pull the girls into her office later in the day and talk to them about their choices and such. It's so hard to hear that your child is getting picked on. I just want to rescue them. I don't want the world to hurt them. We talked a lot with her last night and she seemed better this morning when she left. I hope that the problem is taken care of. I am anxious however for her to come home tonight and get an update.

In 7th grade, I was bullied by a girl. She would physically block me from getting to class on time so that I ended up getting tardies and 8th hours. She threatened me repeatedly. I lived in fear of even walking outside each day to my bus because she would appear and yank my hair or fling my bag on the ground. This problem brought back all of those fears and anxiety I felt when dealing with that girl. She and I ended up talking it out when we were in high school. She actually apologized. And now I look back at what a small part of my life that was and how I should have maybe stood up for myself a bit more and also how that time in my life has actually made me more sympathetic to people that are weaker than I am.

I am not ready for my kids to have to learn these lessons, but apparently life has other plans. However I would like to go give the little heathens a piece of my mind. I think I'll let the counselor handle it though and we'll just keep giving her lots of love and encouragement at home.

How could you be mean to this girl?

Monday, October 6, 2008

I love my two year old

But she's obviously been hitting the Benadryl a bit too hard. She just came over to the computer where I was reading about Angelina Jolie's brand new latitude longitude tats, She pointed up to the screen and said "Mommy and Daddy". Yes that does look an awful lot like us. I can definitely see why my child would be confused ;) BTW how does that woman look like that already? It's unreal!

And can someone please tell her that less is more where makeup is concerned!

Weekend Project

We are so excited to have finally started on our retaining walls. We have this huge slope in our front yard, not to mention the lack of any landscape design. We basically had the builder grade three bushes and one decorative tree with some mulch thrown in for good measure. Our friend, Eric, has been heading up the big project. I think he might be more excited about it than us. So here are some before and after pictures. Of course we are hoping to have an addition of some bushes here very soon. Then I will take the "true" after pictures.