Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Gag Me with a comb!

Not really although I was haunted by this comb this morning:

Not this exact one, but a very similar one. And trust me I don't want the thing anywhere near my mouth. Know what it is? Sorry there are no prizes for the correct answer besides self satisfaction and perhaps some sympathy for me, because I THINK the only way you'd know is if you too had also been blessed with lice in your home. I can't believe I just typed that...LICE IN MY HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Overuse of the exclamation mark is warranted. I consider myself a complete and total neat freak, cleanliness is next to Godliness kind of chick. How did this happen to *gasp* one of MY children? So although I washed all of our bedding yesterday, it is being done again this morning as the offensive little creatures were not discovered until this morning. I hope that this is the last you hear of this.


cupcakefail said...

that sucks!!! and that's the problem with having pretty, thick, clean hair!
Stupid little buggers!

Jennifer Chronicles ( said...

i'm with you on being haunted by that comb. it actually made me want to hurl as it reminded me of when i had a flea comb for a long haired dog. i'm getting sick. =S

saywinn said...

Heather, that is the WORST!! You go get 'em, girl!!