Monday, June 30, 2008

Quite the week

We have just gotten through a really rough week. I know that the only thing that got us through in one piece was the prayer support that we had and FELT all week long. It was amazing and that doesn't really fully describe it. It started a few weeks ago when Coryn started this eye rolling thing. At first I thought that it was something that she was doing to be funny. She would be smiling and look up at you and her right eye(always the right eye) would roll back into her head and sometimes bounce a little bit. It became obvious to us pretty quickly that it wasn't something that she was controlling and it started happening more frequently. I called the doctor on Friday June 20. They wanted us in ASAP. We got there and she was doing the eye rolling constantly. I realized standing there that they were very concerned about this. Especially when other doctors were invited in to offer suggestions as to what it might be. Our doctor called a pediatric opthamologist who we went to see on the following Monday. He did a full eye exam and determined that her vision was fine, but was concerned about(here is where the week gets bad) a brain tumor!! He mentioned those two words several times. By the time I got in the car to go home I was a mess. I called our ped on the way home to ask about a CT scan that had been ordered. I was bawling while talking to the nurse. She said that they too were concerned that it might be a brain tumor! We got the CT scan set up for Wednesday.

My parents offered administration for her and we gladly took them up on it. My brother in law(and his family) and father(and mom) came and together as a family we prayed for the health of our little girl.

We waited two long days for our CT scan. On Wednesday we arrived at Children's Mercy Hospital. She needed to be sedated for the CT scan. It was traumatic watching her get her IV and I kept thinking to myself that I did not want the hospital to have to become a part of our lives. That afternoon the drama of our week ended when we found out that her scans were clear. Our ped office was so relieved. Carrie, the nurse, shared with me that everyone at both of their offices had been praying for us. That touched me beyond belief. How amazing in our time of need, that perfect strangers are out there praying for you.

We are still not sure what is going on with her eye, but it is hardly even doing it anymore. That is a huge relief to us. We are hoping it was some fluke thing, but do have a follow up appt with the eye doctor on July 15.

I am so lucky to have three healthy kids and a most wonderful husband, but above and beyond that, I am lucky to have a family that believes in the power of God. I am so thankful that we had him by our side through this. I can't imagine not having him to turn to in our times of need.


BKNRC said...

I love the pics of sweet Coryn. I am thanking God that everything turned out well.
See you tomorrow night!