Accomplish is probably the wrong word here. I am not really sure what the right word is, but I digress. Today, my sweet little Coryn had a first that her sisters have never experienced. I walked into her class at the end of the day to a little sleepy eyed girl who came to me a little slower than normal. She seemed hesitant. It was then that her teacher came over to us, sat down in one of the small chairs near us and said, "Coryn has had a sort of rough day"! I immediately imagine that she was missing me, or she got hurt, or she had some other offense commited against her. She is my sweet sweet baby(detect the sarcasm in that?). As Miss Karen went on to explain, my girl bit a fellow classmate today! Yes you read that right, she bit someone else. And to drive the point home that we don't bite, she had to go to the director's office. Director is synonomous with Principal. My three year old went THERE! UGH! And not only that, did I mention she freaking bit someone????? Double Ugh! And they can't even tell me who, so I am just feeling awful for this child who I am imagining with a chunk of flesh missing from their arm, head, leg wherever. Although they assured me she didn't acutally break skin, but whatever. I know I would be upset if my child got bit. I never knew what it felt like to be on this end of the discipline spectrum. It sucks. Really Really SUCKS! Oh this child...she is going to make me old. Really really old.
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
In last week’s email (sign up here to receive future emails) I shared this
lamp hack. It’s probably my favorite hack ever and one I originally learned
2 weeks ago
Remember when I called you bawling because Ivan bit my nephew?! It's the worst feeling!!
Welcome to the "shamed" parents club. Evan not only bit a child in daycare, but once he took all of his clothes off, and when the teacher tried to re-dress him, he threw a fit and BROKE her finger!! Could I just DIE!!!!
I'm so proud of Coryn for branching out and not trying to be a follower of her sisters. When life gives her lemons....she's gonna eat 'em!!!
doweab - a very sarcastic way of calling someone a dweeb!
Landon has bitten AND drawn blood (and not just once). Sooner or later, she'll come home with a bite mark too...and you won't be as mad because you've been on the other side. Maybe you'll even tell her she probably deserved it ;)
All of my children were biters. I know what this feels like. You feel like crap! My children grew out of it pretty quickly.
It seems time-out is no fun:(
Hugs and Mocha,
and my biter is number 4! Not exactly a first we were hoping for! haha!
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