I have three daughters as you are probably well aware of if you visit my blog ever. This past week I have been stunned by a couple of news reports that I have seen. The first is the arrest of Polanski on charges of the statutory rape of a 13 year old. The second just caught my attention moments ago. It is that the Tate has shut down an exhibit that features a nude photograph of a 10 year old Brooke Shields. WOW! I have a ten year old. That is my first thought, my second is WHO let her pose for a nude photo at 10? Where were her parents? Who was looking out for her best interest?
My 10 year old is growing into a young woman, she is beautiful and flashes between little girl and young woman from moment to moment. You never know what you are going to get. But there is still innocence in her. A lot of it. And there is modesty. It would be horribly invasive to her psyche to photograph her now in any form of nudity, even innocent such as the baby bath pictures which most mothers cannot resist. I have not seen the picture of Ms. Shields so I do not know what it is a photo of, but like I said, even an "innocent" photo is not OK at the age of 10. I go back to wondering who was there for her? It makes me sick to think that a museum would even consider this to be art. I am glad that the police have intervened. It isn't right which brings me to the next media blitz that is Roman Polanski.
The first time I ever heard of R.P. was when I read Helter Skelter at the age of 20. I learned of his fleeing from this case at that time also as I had done some research about the book and people in it. The entire thing makes me sick. Like I mentioned, I have three daughters and it sickens me that this man has been free for 30 years after raping a 13 year old girl. I have read that she wanted the case dropped. She is in mid-life now, but how much of that night has defined her life? How did her life change because this man took liberties with her that are just downright sick? And as is the case most often, how many other girls have there been that he has also taken advantage of that we will never know about. I am so happy that he has been arrested. He should not be celebrated for his work as an "artist". He is a sick person who needs to be punished for a crime that he committed, 30 years or not!
As a mom I refuse to support or condone any kind of behaviour that robs little girls of their innocence, even in the name of ART(and SHAME on the celebrities who support R.P). We have a responsibility to these kids to let them be children and to discover life at their own pace in healthy relationships. We are their advocates and their protectors.
And in case you have been living in a cave or a bubble somewhere, it is also your responsibility to check the sex offender website and often, because people move. Keep your children safe.
Stepping off my soap box.
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
In last week’s email (sign up here to receive future emails) I shared this
lamp hack. It’s probably my favorite hack ever and one I originally learned
2 weeks ago
The Roman Polanksi case (sic?) has always troubled me. I'm happy that he was finally captured, but will justice actually be served?
Hugs and Mocha,
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