I need parenting advice in a really bad way.
Ella would have been the perfect only child. She thrives on having us all to herself. The problem is she isn't an only child and it is draining trying to fulfill her only child needs constantly. In comes Tara. Ella has had a hard time accepting her little sister since she first came on the scene. It has always been manageable until now. NOW they both are bigger, more vocal, one of them is a bit hormonal, and the other is, without hormones raging, a perfect drama queen.
The fighting is ridiculous-
*she wears my clothes all the time
*she sat in the middle last time
*she always has a friend over
*she never cleans up
*she kicked, hit, tripped me
*she looked at me
*you like her more
And the problem is when they are getting along, they are usually doing something that will get someone hurt, like wrestling, jumping off our brick wall, playing crash course derby with their bikes, which then ends up with one of the aforementioned statements being shouted at me.
I am not the calm peaceful "yes dear" type. In fact when they come at me with one of the LINES, I immediately put my guard up. They know this, but continue in vain anyway and then we all end up on the losing end. So I need help.
How do I get them to love each other? Respect each other? Stick up for each other? I understand that sisters will be sisters but sometimes I think they seriously hate each other. And it makes me sad. What have I done wrong? HELP!
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I don't know. I have the same problem. Riley would have been a perfect only child as well. I don't know how to make them love each other or even stick up for each other. Hopefully someone will have an answer.
Oh I love the "appples" on the heading. Makes me want to make a pie!
First thought, pie.
Second, I have no siblings so when my 3 and a quarter fight, I just scream. Or put them together and drink wine.
I meant, put them to bed. Ugh I havent even been drinking tonight.
Better yet I could put them together and let THEM drink wine? No on second thought that's probably not a good idea.
Dude. That sounds like some serious drama. I wish I had a magic answer for you! I think you might be onto something with the wine ;) I have two cousins, sisters, who were really close in age and they used to tear each others hair out. They are really good friends now. I'm sure as they get older, they'll appreciate each other more.
Heather..I could have written your post. Summer and Evan have started bickering all the time, and it usually is a result of Summer "mothering" Evan or Evan "hanging around" too much. And when they play GREAT, it is always Rough and Loud (Usually involving ropes, boxes, towels, and/or jumping).
Nothing I've done works every time...but very often I put them in a small room together as punishment..or (and I do this more for me than for them)...I make them hug each other and tell give each other an awesome compliment. That is usually worth a good laugh at the least. ("I like your big muscles, Evan." "I like how you climb so good Summer!")
Basically...no great advice here. It sounds like we are all in the same boat. (BTW...my sister and I fought HORRIBLY and we were just like Ella and Tara! We are great friends now!!)
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