Friday, July 31, 2009

Smooth as Butta!

I hope that you can read this label, if not here is what it says:

When we say our new butter is delish, we mean it's knee-buckling, freaky good. And that's no joke. Heck, after the very first taste, a lot of times we just have to sit down and rest. So be forewarned. You're about to enjoy some pretty darn special butter.

I have been a fan of Shatto milk for awhile. There is a difference in their milk products. And how can you beat their flavored milks? You can't! So when I saw that Shatto had butter AND it included this label???? How could I resist!

Let me tell you, while my knees did not buckle...this butter is the best I have EVER tasted. And it better be at over $3.00 a block! I seriously could sit down and take a bite out of it. It's THAT good. It puts my other butter, which will remain nameless, to shame! Weight Watchers would be disgusted with me right now.