Something has been bugging me lately.
I don't watch a lot of t.v. but when I do, there is bound to be a commercial for a Dunkin Donuts! They always show the coffee and perhaps pan over some piping fresh donuts. Sometimes there is some deal they mention that seems too hard to pass up. It makes me want to run to my car and drive to Dunkin Donuts and partake in the yumminess that seeps from my screen. And then I realize that I can't. We don't have Dunkin Donuts. So why do we have to watch the commercials? It seems unfair. Make that cruel. Especially the one where they do the coffee survey and everyone and their brother apparently drinks their coffee and it is the best coffee to ever grace our planet, but I wouldn't know because I have never had it. And then I am mad that I have never had their coffee and my own Maxwell House just seems insufficient. It kind of sucks.
I am not the only one who has these problems. There are people living in this world who don't have (you might want to sit down for this) Sonic!! And see I hate Sonic(we have one on every corner) but people who don't have it think it must be grand. Maybe they have had it on vacation at some point or whatever, but then I'll hear them talk about the ice at Sonic and then I am all Yeah their ice is pretty kick-arse.
So why is it that we are punished with these ads for things that we can't even purchase? It seems like a waste of t.v. ad space to play them to us.
I feel better already having written this. Maybe someone will send me some coffee or some piping fresh Donuts. That would be awesome.
Surely there are others out there in a similar quandry as me. What do you get ads for that you don't have?
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
In last week’s email (sign up here to receive future emails) I shared this
lamp hack. It’s probably my favorite hack ever and one I originally learned
2 weeks ago
Piggly Wiggly. I love the Piggly Wiggly when we go to the beach, and we don't have one here! But there is one dinky, crappy one in the boonies and we'll get a commercial once in a while. It pisses me off because our other stores suck!
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