So if you don't want to hear it, close me out, ignore me, or tell me off. Whatever, but I need to get it out.
Hey lady at the grocery store who GRUDGINGLY lent me your shopper saver card and acted like I asked you for a kidney donation, while I was also asking for you to BUY my groceries(which I didn't), could you smile EVER? I noticed your bling and also all your namebrand...well everything. Your life can't be that bad. The fact that you are standing in a grocery store, buying food that you didn't have to grow outside your third world country shack is something, isn't it? So smile, you never know how your downer presence affects those around you. I don't think you noticed your checkout person apologetically smiling at me, because you are too consumed in what you perceive to be your awful life.
To the rest of you, it's the little acts of kindness and graciousness that make a person's day, such as smiling, holding a door, buying doughnuts for your neighbors on the weekend, checking their mail while they are away, noticing those around you and making an effort to not be a jack-ass. People notice things and carry them with them for the rest of the day, so Please don't be the lady at the grocery store. Smile. Enjoy life. There is enough heartache out there already. No need to work on spreading it.
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
In last week’s email (sign up here to receive future emails) I shared this
lamp hack. It’s probably my favorite hack ever and one I originally learned
2 weeks ago
Here's the problem, sweetheart. She is in major debt and can't afford her groceries. She and her cheating husband are probably on the verge of divorce, and her spoiled brats have probably been screaming bloody murder all day, making demands that include the sound "cha ching-cha ching-cha ching". Women who waltz around with high end everything are usually the ones with nothing that really matters to them. And you are happy, not to mention sexy.
Yeah, what She said!! LMFAO!
Also...Heather, don't forget.. she is TOTALLY pissed off that her plastic surgery didn't change her life like she was hoping it would!! "But Doctor...the lady in the picture looked so HAPPY!!! "Treation: The Making of a Tree
You got me at kidney donation. LOL!
And you are hot.
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