I love my birthday. I always have. It doesn't matter how much older I get, I enjoy celebrating it. I have had some great birthday celebrations with friends and family over the years. I had intended on picking through pictures from birthdays past at my mom's but alas I am lazy so it didn't happen.
In 1973 I was born in Hampton Virginia at Langley AFB. I love this little fact. The AFB often appears in movies as it is also the CIA headquarters.
I celebrated my 1st birthday in Abilene Texas. My mom made me a ladybug cake. I repeated this same theme for Ella's first birthday.
I celebrated my 13th birthday by wearing an odd get up that I picked out for my birthday(this is when pictures would be handy), and in art class having an entire bottle of indigo ink splatter all over me. Have you ever gotten indigo ink on you? It doesn't wash off for a LONG time. I then got in trouble in the same class for talking...SHOCKER...and was given a detention by Mrs. Chester. Ahhhh Mrs. Chester who had gone to high school with my dad and who I swore had had a crush on him then because she constantly asked me about my dad. Gross! Thanks Mrs. Chester for the AWESOME 13th birthday memory!
I don't remember many more of my birthdays. They all kind of blend in together.
But I know that I love them and even though J.R. is out of town for this one, I intend on having a really happy day, talking to my phone well-wishers and also reading my cards and facebook messages. I am SUCH a geek.
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
In last week’s email (sign up here to receive future emails) I shared this
lamp hack. It’s probably my favorite hack ever and one I originally learned
2 weeks ago
Happy birthday, even if it is 40 minutes late! I hope you had a great day!
Hey sweetie!! I love your Birthday post. I too don't remember EVERY birthday, but my 13th birthday I recall EVERY detail, including my clothing that I was allowed to pick out. I will have to find some photos! I am glad your special day ROCKED! LOVE YOU!!!
sisesse - a sister-like aura!
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