We took the plunge two and a half weeks ago into pantydom with Coryn. Amazingly the first day she "got" it. She was excited about her sticker charts and the praise and the chocolate. I thought "Wow, why didn't I try this sooner". I should know better than to gloat about the sheer genius of my children because that is always when it comes back to bite me in the butt. So about the 4th day, Little Miss Independence finally realizes that it takes time and is work to potty in the potty. It is SOOOO much easier to just pee wherever she may be. So about half the time she was going on the potty, the other half was me on my hands and knees scrubbing up the mess she left behind, and doing the mammoth amounts of laundry that this produced.
So the last week I have been contemplating diapers again because I have been so frustrated with all the "accidents" which I don't really think are truly accidents. I have been counseled by the wise sages of potty training, better known as my two friends Heather and Felicia who both have used the same potty training method recently. Yesterday in a conversation with Heather, I decided that it was time to change up the game plan, so after 15,000 accidents yesterday and a desperate refusal to potty before bedtime, I told her quite sternly that she must still be a baby, because babies potty in their pants and that they have to wear diapers. I put a diaper on her. She hated it, but still refused the potty. So she kept the diaper on all night, woke up dry, asked for panties this morning and has not had ONE accident all day. I knew she was stubborn, but I called her bluff and won. Will she need therapy over being called a baby someday? We'll see, but I know she won't be wearing a diaper when she goes.
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
In last week’s email (sign up here to receive future emails) I shared this
lamp hack. It’s probably my favorite hack ever and one I originally learned
2 weeks ago
Well I am glad that it worked out. It is so hard to figure out what to do and what works. I am happy that she is getting it now!
Think what an expert you will be when it is time for you to potty train Cooper!
Who ME? I stop at painting baby rooms ;)
Finally! That stubborn little stinker!
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