Ella and Baby Shaye
Almost ten years ago, my life took a big turn. I became a mother. When I became a mother, I decided to be the best mother I could possibly be and the nerd that I am read everything and anything about how to raise the perfect child. In my pursuit of perfection I came across a website that is well known in the internet mommy world. BabyCenter. If I had a question about poop, food, diapers, sleeping or if I just needed an ear, the women there responded. As women in groups usually do, several of us migrated together and found that we had a lot in common. TONS! To this day I am lucky to say that some of those original women are some of my best friends in the world. I consider them family. I still go to them for support and also to share my life moments with.
It isn't often that we get to see each other, but when we do, it is wonderful. This weekend three of us had an occasion to come together and celebrate. Our good friend Kristi is expecting a baby boy in April. I am so excited about this little guy and wanted to throw a shower for Kristi. Our friend Heather from South Carolina decided that she was going to surprise Kristi and fly out for the shower. It was so awesome to see Kristi's reaction and how happy she was to have Heather there. The shower just wouldn't have been the same without Heather and her girls(Brinn and Shaye) as our guests(and bigtime helpers!!)
Yesterday I took Heather and her girls to the airport. It seems silly, but I really didn't want for her to leave. I know I am lucky that I get to see these friends every so often, but it is never long enough. And most often I don't know when I'll see them again, 6 months, a year? I never know. As Ella and I pulled away from the airport, she began crying, actually bawling. She said through her tears, "Mom I really like Heather and her family. They are probably the nicest people we have ever met". I told her that had it not been for her, I would never have become friends with all of these wonderful women. And so it goes, my children have also fallen in love with my most awesome friends. I truly am a lucky girl.
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
In last week’s email (sign up here to receive future emails) I shared this
lamp hack. It’s probably my favorite hack ever and one I originally learned
2 weeks ago
AWE! We had such a great time! I can't believe we are all having our 10 year friendiversary this year!!! It's awesome! :)
I have tears running down my face. I love both of you. Thanks for everything this weekend. It was perfect.
What a great post, Heather!!! I feel the same way about all of you. It is so awesome to me how we made such deep connections with one another....long before we met in person. Meeting each other has only "sealed the deal!" I am sad I wasn't with you guys this weekend. I can't wait to see you again!
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