Heather must really love me, because I can't imagine why she would actually give me a blogging award. I mean don't you have to blog in order to receive an award? Anyhow, I am pleased to accept. And it is spurring me into action to actually get my lazy self on here writing. So without any further ado:
So part of the award is listing six things that make me happy and then passing the award on to six of my other favorite bloggers. That part is easy.
1. Sheridan's Vanilla Milkshakes. We might go in debt over this one. They are heaven! I will be more worried when the workers start asking me if I want my usual.
2. Clean Sheets. I love clean sheets. I sleep so much better the night that the sheets are changed. Pre-kids I would change them 2-3 times a week. Now we are at once a week. But oh how I love clean sheet night.
3. Reading. I love to read and will read anything I can get my hands on. Right now I am reading The Shack.
4. Vacations. I could sell everything we own and just be on a perpetual vacation. Yes, I love traveling that much.
5. Music. I get a lot out of a well written song or instrumental piece.
6. Family. Of course it is only when the planets and moon align correctly and everyone is getting along.
Now to share and pass along a few of my favorite blogs:
Of course I need to mention that this award is from one of the best blogs out there:
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
In last week’s email (sign up here to receive future emails) I shared this
lamp hack. It’s probably my favorite hack ever and one I originally learned
2 weeks ago
best blog, hahaha! funny girl!
Ooooh, CLEAN SHEETS! Nothing better than fresh, clean, cool sheets!!!!
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