So I went out with the girls from the bank last night. We had a good time. I love hearing little things about J.R. that he doesn't share with me that his co-workers are more than willing to tell me all about. J.R. isn't a talker so there are lots of happenings in his hours away from home that I never hear about. I would have been perfectly content to sit at Jose Peppers chatting with the girls all night long, but we had planned on seeing a movie. So off to the theater we went where we saw Nights in Rodanthe. I know it is supposed to be a drama and sappy romance, but it was downright comical. First of all, yes I know that Diane Lane is a gorgeous woman, but Richard Gere just looks old, so honestly I don't want to watch or think about them having sex. Eebie Jeebies!!! The acting was SO over the top, that I truly was laughing out loud at scenes that are supposed to be serious. BTW Richard Gere looks like a mouse. Don't believe me? check him out....
He looks like a mouse I say!! Can't you picture the whiskers and pointy little ears? Let me help you:
The only person that I enjoyed in the movie who actually captured my attention was the daughter. Don't waste your money in case you were tempted to.
Now on a positive note. I have been searching like a mad woman for long sleeve onesies for Coryn for the winter. I couldn't believe how hard they were to find. Most places like Carters who we love, stop making them at 24 months. I finally found this site I had never heard of them or obviously ordered from them, but yesterday I received the 8 bodysuits that I ordered for Coryn. They are the softest, most well made onesies ever! 100% ultra soft cotton! I wish I had known about them before now. I balked a little at the $8.00 a piece price tag, but I only had to pay for 6 and got two free. They also had free shipping with orders of $48. They are well worth their cost IMO. So in case you are in the market for onesies, this is the place to go.
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
In last week’s email (sign up here to receive future emails) I shared this
lamp hack. It’s probably my favorite hack ever and one I originally learned
2 weeks ago
say no more.
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