Warning: Do not continue to read if you do not appreciate whining.
Next Tuesday my sweet, darling, precious child will turn 2! And lo and behold the terrible twos are here. Full Force! She's my third. You'd think I could handle this with my eyes closed, hands tied behind my back, but no I am not handling this. I am at a complete and total loss. She far exceeds anything that Ella and Tara EVER threw at me. Maybe I am just too old to remember, but I am coming here because I figure that writing it out and venting is better than the other option; which is to ship her to my friend Kelly in California(although that is still an option).
Here are just a few snippets of my day so far.
* She threw Tara's Nintendo DS from the top of the stairs onto the hardwood in the entryway, breaking it. This is a DS that we JUST got for Tara last month for her birthday. Tara is going to be really mad and we are going to have to replace the overpriced toy immediately.
* As fast as I can clean things, she is dragging them back out. Imagine that you have an office job...now imagine as fast as you are working either on your computer, writing something out etc, there is a little elf who is deleting it, or coloring over it with a Sharpie marker. I am not joking...THAT is what I feel like.
* As I cleaned a toilet just a few moments ago, she was on my back squealing WEEEEEE! cause we all know how much fun it is to clean a toilet, now add the monkey. NICE.
* And finally just this....mommy, mommy, mommy...me: what?...no reply then....mommy, mommy, mommy! ALL DAY LONG!
OK excuse me while I go try to hide the bald patches that are now visible on my scalp!
P.S. She peed on the carpet after getting out of the shower. The day just got so much better.
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
In last week’s email (sign up here to receive future emails) I shared this
lamp hack. It’s probably my favorite hack ever and one I originally learned
2 weeks ago
Oh crap you are making me nervous now!!
I'm calling Super Nanny.
You should be nervous Kristi. I didn't sign up for this! And Kelly send her my way. She can babysit while I get some crap done around here.
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