I really am a little baffled about what happened to July. It was a whole month and it is just gone. Like that. I am hoping August sticks around a little longer, but since we're already halfway through the month, it doesn't look like that is what is going to happen. I think this means that I am getting old.
To recap where July went in no particular order(I think):
*More settling and projects at our house
*J.R. to Boulder for two weeks
*Ella turned NINE! Holy crap that sounds old!
*We celebrated the 4th with our new neighbors(who rock BTW)
*Follow up appt for Coryn and her eye is all better
Did I mention that Ella turned nine! That is another sign that I am old. She'll be driving before I know it.
August has started off with a bang as Tara turned seven. Seven doesn't sound nearly as bad as 9. We celebrated both of the girls' birthdays at the roller skating rink. Amazingly I skated at both parties and am still alive with all my tendons and muscle tissue intact.
This weekend we begin our BIG landscaping project at our house. Eric Reisner(God bless him) is coming over to help us. J.R. is just excited at the fact that we will have a bobcat here that he can play with. Every man's dream...playing with heavy equipment and dirt.
I have officially turned into a big nerd. I blew through all of Stephenie Meyer's Twilight books in a week so that I could go to the big book release of Breaking Dawn. It was fun hanging out with all the prepubescent screaming girls that were there. My friends and I felt a bit out of place. I don't care though. The books were great. I have been intrigued by the author and her Mormonism, which shows in the writing of the books.
I'll come back later with some pictures of the quickly disappearing month. Bye for now.
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
In last week’s email (sign up here to receive future emails) I shared this
lamp hack. It’s probably my favorite hack ever and one I originally learned
2 weeks ago
Hey, just cause your a nerd, does that make me one too since I was with you?? I think not!
Hey do you want to plan something for next week?
Just want you to know I'm reading your blog. :)
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