Coryn is sick :( We were working over at the new house, and she was with my mom. When they showed up at the house she wanted to go straight to her bed. She slept an hour and a half and then got up all fussy. When she snuggled into me, I realized she was on fire. So I left my big old mess in the kitchen and packed her off for home. She is back in bed now. Please say prayers that she'll get better soon. It is such a busy week to have a sick little one.
As for the looks like everything is on schedule. We are doing cleanup right now and J.R. was busy today building shelves in our storage area in the basement. Those suckers go up 12 feet! That is just crazy. We are going to need one of those library sliding ladder things to reach anything. I guess we'll just store all of his crap...oops I mean cherished belongings...up there.
And finally David Beckham's got nothing on my soccer star. Tara scored 3 goals during her game this morning!! THREE! And one of them was a total powerhouse kick and the ball flew over the goalies head. It was very exciting. I am really trying not to be "that" soccer mom, but hey when your kid is the star, it's hard to be modest :oP
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
In last week’s email (sign up here to receive future emails) I shared this
lamp hack. It’s probably my favorite hack ever and one I originally learned
2 weeks ago
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