I can't keep up with it. I am not very good at it. I pity the few people who actually come here, because I am so freaking boring. Really that pretty much narrows it down. But I keep coming back. So for my 2 readers out there, I'll keep it going. Whatever.
So today I am going to ramble. I am going to write like I think. I think like an 85year old woman who might have ADD. If you have ever had a conversation with me you might note that I pack a lot into a conversation. Partly because if I don't say every thought as it comes into my brain, it will be forever lost. I may come across as rude because of this, but I genuinely apologize for it. I know I do it. I can't help it. So I am very sorry. Feel free to tell me to shut up if you so desire.
OK First thought. I was watching the news this morning and there was a snippet of news about a man seeking restitution for the kidney he donated to his philandering wife. Hmmmmm...Interesting. If she doesn't pay does she have to give it back? Seems like there would be a no return policy on an organ. The story gets weirder when it said he had become suspicious of his wife and her fidelity, so he started sniffing her panties. WHAT? Really? I then turned to my loving hubby and asked for him to please not sniff my panties, because really that is just gross. Can you actually smell fidelity on someone's panties? Does sperm have a unique scent? OK moving on.
Have you seen this:
Oh My! I better not spend too much time here or I could be in big trouble. It's like grown up Fashion Plates. Do you remember Fashion Plates? Ahh the fun my sister and I had with our set.
Once again I have to get it all out while it is sitting there festering in my brain.
I started Weight Watchers. How do you know when you spend too much time at your grocery store? When the sacker(yes Kelly that is what I call him) says "see you tomorrow" as you are leaving with a gleam in his eye and a wink. I would really like to go today to pick up some baked tostitos, but there is no way I can go back today. So it's on my list for tomorrow. Mind wandered so... Back to Weight Watchers. I just started week 2 today. I have lost 4.2 pounds in one week. YAY for me! I have never done a real diet and so far I feel like this one is completely and totally manageable. I mean I had an I Like It size of Coldstone's Cheesecake Icecream on Saturday and I STILL lost that weight.
Well the man just called and is on his way home from work for some lunch. I told him I'd kick my boyfriend out of the house before he got here so he didn't need to do any panty sniffing ;) See ya all later!
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
In last week’s email (sign up here to receive future emails) I shared this
lamp hack. It’s probably my favorite hack ever and one I originally learned
2 weeks ago